Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Year 2 green artwork with Eva, Emilie and Shayna

2017 Year 5/6 · Post

 Posting as Leonie Young    

These year 6 girls Eva, Emilie and Shayna did some artwork with the year twos that were sharing our classroom for school photos. The options they could choose from were paper snakes, paper lanterns and bookmarks. Shayna was running the paper snakes, Eva was running paper lanterns and Emilie was running the bookmarks.

All the year twos really enjoyed the activities and were very excited. The girls would love to run this (with or without the same activities) again with a different class (or the year twos again). This was a great experience for the girls running their own arts and craft activities. It was a was a great boost of leadership skills and confidence. It has made them realise that the simplest things in life can make someones day.

By Shayna, Emile and Eva

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I Can Fly

This video was very successful coming 2nd in the Canterbury DigiAwards. It has now been reworked and entered into the NZ Made Awards. Good luck guys.

This movie is about a kid who is really smart but gets bullied. He loves superman and strives to be like him. He creates something to help him fly but it doesn’t work and he hurts himself. A person he helped comes to return a favour and they become friends. There are three points to this movie don’t bully, don’t let others hold you back and push to achieve your goals.

Cam L
Ollie r

The Portal

Blurb: Fran’s inventions haven’t always been successful. Will his latest invention be a disaster or a learning experience for both Fran and his friend Ollie? Join them as they go an adventure through humour and the animated world. 

Camera man: Luca and Joseph
Actors: Fran, Ollie and Quinn, who’s now a dog 
Editors: Fran and Ollie
Animations: by Fran
Title: The portal
How it relates to our learning: It shows how working together can solve tricky problems. During maths we collaborate and share our ideas. We collaborated when we created this movie. This movie could not be created if we didn’t work together.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Yarrs Flat Trip

On Tuesday the fifth of September syndicate three my year group went on a trip to Yarrs Flat. The classroom was filled with students that couldn't keep still. At nine thirty we jumped on the bus and zoomed down to Yarrs Flat. As soon as we got there the leaders introduced themselves and the other staff. Matt the leader got us to our first rotation Mr Newton’s group had invertebrate hunt.

Invertebrate hunt was led by Mike. When we arrived he showed us some of the bugs he caught in display trays. After that he showed us a weta, he let students hold and touch it if we were brave enough.We also got to go and hunt for bugs. using his nets one of us found scorpion Mike was probably impressed. We also found woodlice, spiders, slugs and snails

Then we had some morning tea and went on to the next activity. Our group's activity was aquatic discovery. Aquatic discovery was led by Bailey and Stacy. The first thing they showed us was the shuffle test, where you sway your net in the water from side to side then you kick your leg in front of the net after that you bring it out of the water and see what you have caught. We also had to look in trays for different types of creatures like the the blood worm,Cocka bullies and snails.

Then we had planting the main part of going to Yarrs Flat led by Lou. we planted flax, cabbage trees and ribbon wood. We used tools like spades and mallets we also used sheep dags, steaks, plastic covers and fertiliser pallets. First you had to dig a hole to place your plant inside and put the fertilizer pellet in. Then you berry the bottom half of the plant and pop the sheep dags over,  then you put up the plastic cover around the plant so no animal could kill the plant and then you are done ! Did you know that Syndicate three planted 450 trees !

Our last activity was wave barrier building led by Matt, we had to make a wave barrier that will stop the waves coming so on the other side of it there would be no waves and the water weed would grow again. We had to make it out of sticks and string. We made a design with heaps of little squares in the middle so the waves would stop. Then Matt tested out all the designs and lots of them including our teams worked.

                                                 By Ella M

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A World Beneath The Trees


Who will win the pod?! Will the forest be restored or lost forever?

What is the future for our environment?

Will the pod open? What will the the gods say?

Based on the excellent movie Epic the Lincoln Primary School production - A World Beneath The Trees will transport you to a magical world of a micro city within a forest where the goodies crusade to save their environment and the baddies try to destroy the pod, and end the forest forever.

Syndicate 3s contribution to this great show will be a medley of dance from the fluid graceful movements seen in contemporary dance to the high action and drama of stomp which incorporates plastic drums and pipes.  The space between is filled with the high energy moves of jump jam which is sure to be enjoyed by you all.  As a syndicate we will tell you a story of survival and courage.

The production will be held in the primary school hall and take place on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th of September. There will be a matinee and evening performance each night. Tickets are a gold coin and will be available for purchase soon.

Shayna Early

Team production newsletter

Dear parents/caregivers,


We are all busy putting the final flourishes for our pieces for the school production ‘The World Beneath the Trees’ which is to be held in Week 8 - Tues 12th September & Wed 13th September. There will be four performances - 2 matinee and 2 evening. All of the children are expected to attend these. If for some reason your child is not able to attend any/all of these performances please let their teacher know asap.

The performance times are as follows:

Performance 1 (Matinee show)
Date: Tuesday the 12th of September at 12:30pm
Performance 2 (Evening show)
Date: Tuesday the 12th of September at 6:30pm
Performance 3 (Matinee show)
Date: Wednesday the 13th of September at 12pm
Performance 4 (Evening show)
Date: Wednesday the 13th of September at 6:30pm

For the evening shows we will expect the children to be dropped off by 6.10pm at the latest.

Pick up and drop off procedure:
Children must be dropped off by an adult to their drop off space and be signed in by one of their teachers. Children will return to their drop off spaces when they have finished their scene. They must be signed out by one of their teachers before they can leave. Children can be collected once the production is finished, however teachers will be there to supervise their class until 9pm.

Your child has been informed about what they will be required to wear for the performances. No new purchasing is required. They will need to have their costumes organised and at school Wednesday 6th September. They will need to be individually named and then placed in a named plastic bag. Please if you have any questions about the piece that your child is in can you contact the following lead teachers.

Jump Jam: or

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Year ⅚ Canterbury Football tournament

On Thursday the 24th of August, the year 5.6 football A team entered the Canterbury football tournament. They first had to win the the zones tournament. Both the year 7/8 and 5/6 won their zone tournaments in Rolleston in term 2 qualifying them for the Canterbury tournaments. The year 5/6 tournament was held at English park where they played on small sized fields with artificial grass. The year ⅞ tournament was held at Hagley park. The games were played as five-a-side.

The Lincoln year 5/6 students arrived on a bus and started with a warm up. It wasn't long until the buzzer went off to sound the games. The children played 8 short games and every game they won was a big step further. After the seventh game they had won all of them and they were through to the finals. The finals were intense but the final score was two all. The corners that were conceded were counted up, but that was one all so the final result was a draw.

In the end they were super happy about their placing. They are now able to call themselves the best team in Canterbury!

Kapa haka performance

Kapa haka performance
On the 15th of August 2017 there was a cultural festival at  
Horncastle Arena involving schools from around Canterbury. Lincoln Primary’s kapa haka group participated in this event.  In their performance they sang Ma Te Kahukura & the haka ‘Maraka! Maraka!’

They did a great job on representing our school. The three main girls singing were very expressive and it must've taken heaps of courage to perform in front of a huge crowd!

Here is a link to the performance to see how amazing they were:
Here are some of the displays

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Wow, we really have some talented children in our team. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for Sewlyn representative teams in the upcoming South Island Tournament.

  • Kwadwo
  • Fran
  • Keanu
  • Denva
This is awesome and we wish them all the best and can't wait to hear all about it. 

Well done to these students who have made the Ellesmere U11 development rugby team.

  • Ollie D
  • Devon
  • Kai
  • Flynn 
It is great to hear of our students engaging and succeeding in their passions. Please if you know of any other success let us know so we can celebrate these too.

We are busy finalising our Digi Award entries at the moment so we thank you for the support with this area. I have seen many a parent dropping of forgotten props and costumes.  This have been a large part of the program since the beginning of the term and we look forward to viewing these this week. Once they have been completed they will also be uploaded into uSpace so please check them out 

Mrs Wightman 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


                                  STRIKE STRUM AND BLOW FESTIVAL

Strike strum and blow was held at the horncastle arena. There were about 1000 other kids there from schools around the West Coast and Canterbury. The instruments were ukuleles, flutes, marimbas, drums and a brass band, there were also people singing.

The ukuleles played songs like something in the water, July, Star Wars, Cape Reinga, Do what you wanna, Budapest, te aroha and big aroha. We practiced for 6 hours during the day. Then we performed for (7:00 - 8:15pm) 1 hour and 15 minutes. There were a lot of people in the audience.

Before the performance I was so excited I was hopping up and down, but I was also nervous at the same time. After the performance I felt lots of emotions like excitement, enthusiasm, joy and exhaustion. It was an amazing experience!

By Joel

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Civilisation group

The Civilisation Inquiry group have been learning about the fall of Rome by randomly selecting an emperor. Using the information given they had to collaborate to make decisions which would either earn them gold coins or lose them coins. They waited with anticipation to find out whether their decisions were fortunate or not.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Wacky Hair Day

It was great to see so many children out and about supporting 'Wacky Hair Day' last Friday. There was plenty of excitement around the place as students showed off their creations. Even some of the teachers got involved and took the chance to get 'wacky'. All money raised from the day will go towards house flags to be used for school events and meetings. Thank you for your support.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


We are the LPS Energy Detectives. At lunch time we go round the classrooms to check who turns their lights off. We want all the classroom lights to be off at play breaks to save money and energy. Our job is to keep a tally of who has left lights on or off. At each assembly we will be handing out the shield and a certificate to the winning classroom.the first winner is team 3

this is the shield and certificate.