Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Year 2 green artwork with Eva, Emilie and Shayna

2017 Year 5/6 · Post

 Posting as Leonie Young    

These year 6 girls Eva, Emilie and Shayna did some artwork with the year twos that were sharing our classroom for school photos. The options they could choose from were paper snakes, paper lanterns and bookmarks. Shayna was running the paper snakes, Eva was running paper lanterns and Emilie was running the bookmarks.

All the year twos really enjoyed the activities and were very excited. The girls would love to run this (with or without the same activities) again with a different class (or the year twos again). This was a great experience for the girls running their own arts and craft activities. It was a was a great boost of leadership skills and confidence. It has made them realise that the simplest things in life can make someones day.

By Shayna, Emile and Eva

1 comment:

  1. Hello Year 5 and 6's,

    Remember next time these children are Team 2 Red, not Team 2 Green.

    From Team 2 Green
