Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Sexuality Road

This week we have begun our Road to Sexuality programme. We started with our first lesson ‘Setting the scene’ and will be continuing with lessons 2-11 over the next 3 weeks (Starting Monday week 7- week 9). For the lesson sequence, see below.

The Sexuality Road

L1 – Setting the scene and assessment, 1.5 hours

L2 – Starting on the Road, 1.5 hours
What makes us special and unique.

L3 – Changing Bodies and Feelings, 1.5 hours
Body names

L4 – Changing Bodies and Feelings, 1.5 hours
Feelings and Changes (Need book – Hair in Funny Places)

L5 - Changing Bodies and Feelings, 1.5 hours
The Menstrual Cycle

L6 – Relationships, 1.5 hours
Differences between Friendships and Relationships

L7 – Communication and Decision making, 1.5 hours
Consider consequences before making decisions

L8 - Communication and Decision making, 1.5 hours
Our right to express opinions

L9 – Reproduction, 1.5 hours
Correct terminology for various body parts and functions of these

L10 – Where Can I Go? 1.25 hours
Agencies to help (Get list from Family Planning?)

L11 – Rounding Up, 1-1.5 hours

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